Saturday, August 20, 2011

Library Usage

Library usage has been light over the summer.

Look for changes coming up this fall.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Books added to the library

We have added more books to the library this month !
Around 30 I believe. Come on into the room and look around.

You can also download the PDF list located on the right side over here.

If you see a book, call the office and we'll set it aside for you.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Book Review Club revival

Those of you that can remember the old church book club review meetings and the fun they used to have. Well. .. I would like to revive that again. Any church members who would like to participate in the book review club... let us know please.

Being that it is the 21st century, we can not only have a person to person meeting and talk about books, but we can also talk about them on this site. We can "blog" about the books we read.

Interested? let us know.


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

How to download the Library book list

How to download the Library book list.

On the right side of this site, you will find the list, "Library Book listing in PDF form".

If you right click on that line, you will get a pop up screen, just like below.

Now, Left click on "Save Target As.... " and save the file to your computer.

Once it is download, you can open it on your computer. Plus it is available for
further use, after you are off-line.

Welcome to Zion Library

Welcome to the Zion Lutheran Church Library.

We are located off the Narthex by the front doors.... you can't miss us. We have however, missed you... we have worked hard to get this back into shape and now are coming ever so close to having it up and running like it should be. Keeping in mind a library is never 100% finished, as we are always updating things adding new books and things, repairing others, etc.

Of course, a library is of no use if no one uses it... so please use the library... you will be surprised as to what you will find in this room. We not only have books, but there are videos, puzzles, reference books, bibles and of course books for all ages.

We hope to see you soon using our wonderful library.

Kids section -

Adult section of libary

the Bible, Concordia, Atlas and other reference material section